Sunday, November 25, 2007


When I opened the book and read the dedication I was hooked. I have read all of Shannon Hales books, minus Book of a thousand days, and was not disappointed with Austenland. I wish I had the book to quote from but I lent it to my mom for further enjoyment. The gist of it was this:

"To Colin Firth: You are a very wonderful man but I am married and so we will have to be just friends."

Who among us hasn't whiled away a night in bed dreaming of our own Mr. Darcy? Who hasn't sighed and wondered why there can't be someone out there as wonderful as their coveted Mr. Darcy? I had my own nights filled with the flawless Edward Cullen. I even asked my husband if he thought I had my own smell:)Silly as it is, we have all been caught up at one time or another.

I love how Shannon Hale leaves out none of the uncomfortable daily nuisances. You can imagine Jane trying to get her daily exercise while running in an elaborate gown. I most appreciate that Jane was able to develop a sense of self. She found her strength after having everything handed over in a platter, she opted for more and knew she deserved it. I love when someone wakes up and realizes they are worth it!

I thought is was sheer, light-hearted fun. A little Mr. Darcy for everyone is a good thing. It made me appreciate my own Mr. Darcy at home with me right now! I was sad it was such a short book, but it answered everything I needed to know. Hey, you know you'd go if you could!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What's Next??

We hope that everyone loved Austenland and is excited for our upcoming discussion!

It's that time again that we need a suggestion for our next book. Are there any good books that you've read, anything you've heard good things about, or anything that you've been dying to read?

Let us know what you would like to read next so that we can head out to the library or the book store to get started!!