Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Host

Spoiler Alert!! Don't keep reading if you haven't read the book!

I'm sorry that my review is early!! I actually just finished reading The Host last night (we'll technically this morning!) and it was great! I wanted to get everything down before I forgot!!

This book was really hard to get into, but once I did, I couldn't put it down. I couldn't get into the story and by the time I was on page 85, I didn't care to really pick it up again. Boy am I glad I did!

I really enjoy Stephenie Meyer's style of writing and I was really sucked into this book. When I had to put it down to run an errand or something, I actually caught myself thinking, "I wonder what Wanda is doing right now", or "What is going to happen to Jamie", or most common, "How is the heck is this book going to end with me feeling happy about it?" I had no idea how anything was going to go or what was going to happen throughout the book. I liked that it wasn't all that predictable (it could just be that I'm a little slow, too!). At first, I hated Wanderer and everything about the souls who invaded the bodies. Then, throughout the first few chapters, Meyer convinced me that I was on Wanda side and quickly I was rooting for her! I enjoyed learning about the souls through Wanda stories, she was a great story teller.

I also enjoyed that there was just the right amount of a "love story" within the story. I wasn't sure how I felt about Wanda's relationship with Jared or even with Ian. I mostly felt bad for Ian, but I was so glad that Wanda realized her love for him in the end and that they were eventually able to be together.

I am a sucker for happy endings, and I loved how this one ended. I feel like everyone was happy and everything ended up working out. At the very end when they met that group of humans I was excited because it gave hope that the human population would probably survive. I loved that Wanda and Ian were together, that Jamie was happy and that Melanie was able to to be with Jared. I also loved that there was hope for them and that there were others like Wanderer out there.

Here are a few questions...

1. Did you or did you not like the book?

2. What do you think you would have done if you were in Jared's position when Jed brought Wanderer in to their home?

3. If you were Wanda, would you have saved the Seeker?

4. What do you think about Kyle's decision to put Sunny back into Jodi's body after Jodi didn't come back? Would you have done the same thing?

5. If you were in Wanda's place would you have wanted to die or be placed in another host?

I'm excited to hear what everyone else thought about this book!!


Steelefamily said...

I only have a second but I wanted to comment. I miss being a part of the book club so I will try to participate more. I loved this book. I heard it was a slow start so I was prepared for the long explanations that are needed later in the story. I LOVED this book. It was amazing how much different emotion was played throughout the book. So many people with conflicting interests. I am also very excited for the sequel. It took a while to explain the idea of the book but it is important so you can understand the emotion that takes place later. It was also interesting to her wandas explanations of our views as humans and how are emotions play such a powerful role in our reactions. I loved the conclusion for each character.

Steelefamily said...

I am confused, are we reading Midnighters or did you already do that

Sean, Jen, Carson and Addie said...


We already read Midnighters and Natalie is still going to do a post on it.

I love your review on The Host because you made some great points! I thought it was great how the emotions were played throughout the book as well and I think it was so well written for Stephenie Meyer to be able to convey it all.

I can't wait for the sequel, either!!

Steelefamily said...

Thanks for the update. I am glad to be back. I have read the midnghters too so I am not far behind. Have we read any of Janette Rallisons books?

Lisa said...

I am sorry I am so late writing my comments. A couple weeks ago, I did write a long answer to each of the questions and when I hit "Publish Your Comment" the internet lost connection.... Well my long review was gone and then I was just mad, so I'm finally trying it again!

1. Did you or did you not like the book?
**I really liked the book, I thought it was great. The beginning was a little hard to get into, because I didn't really understand what was happening, but after that I loved it!**

2. What do you think you would have done if you were in Jared's position when Jed brought Wanderer in to their home?
**I would not have been violent, but I would not have welcomed Wanda either**

3. If you were Wanda, would you have saved the Seeker?
**Yes, I don't think I could have just let her die, even if she tried to end mine**

4. What do you think about Kyle's decision to put Sunny back into Jodi's body after Jodi didn't come back? Would you have done the same thing?
**I was really happy with his decision. I think Sunny was really sweet and she really loved earth and had feeling for Kyle. She dreamt about him every night. I would have done the same thing. I don't think I could have seen/let Jodi's body die, just because I didn't want Sunny in it.**

5. If you were in Wanda's place would you have wanted to die or be placed in another host?
**I would have wanted to be in another host, but only under the circumstances it was done in the book. They found a body and when the original person didn't come back, then Wanda was placed in it. I did NOT like who they picked for Wanda though**

Diane said...

I finished this book on our family vacation a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed reading it as a vacation book and as fun summer read.

I enjoyed the desert and cave scenes. I didn't think the concept was unique but I liked how the author wove in the love story and Wanda's conflict to want to continue to be on earth in a human body but learning that not all creatures except being a host. I liked how the author helped us like Wanda with her compassion and love for all species.

melissa gargalis said...

I just finished reading this book-finally. I love looking through this blog to get ideas for books to read, but of course you've already read them...
I totally agree this book was hard to get into. I kept thinking I don't get it, why is this so confusing? But eventually it started making sense and I got totally wrapped up in the story and the characters. I love her writing. I'm still curious if she can write a non-sci-fi story?...I can't figure out Wanda's host body-was she a "little person"-like a dwarf or something?...part of me thought she was going to save the Seeker but put herself in that host body, but obviously she didn't. I loved that message that even though Wanda was totally hated and abused, she still came out the winner. She showed them love and kindness, even when she got beat for it. That, I thought was a great message that love is such a strong emotion and conquer.

Hope it's ok if I commented. I'm looking forward to your Breaking Dawn post.

melissa gargalis said...

...conquers all I meant to say. not worth it to retype or re-comment.